About Me

Welcome to my site!

This place is all about being creative!

Here you will find lots of sewing, crafts, DIY, crochet, knitting, quilting, embroidery & craft PATTERNS and DESIGNS, ALL FREE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD!

A Little About Me

My name is Jacqui and I have been sewing for 4 decades, way before it was considered fashionable to be wearing handmade clothing!!

I am a mother of two exceptional young human beings and married to one heck of an amazing man.

I have always been creative and have a rather large pattern hoard…I have thousands of sewing patterns and projects squirrelled away in my sewing room and on my USB sticks that I need to justify, so I set up my blog to share them all with you!

My History

When I finished high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do, so my husband (then boyfriend) suggested I do a fashion diploma. So, for two years, I studied for my Diploma in Dressmaking, Fashion Design and Pattern Cutting.

We then travelled the world for a few years before settling down and getting married.

I then also studied for 5 years to become a Lawyer but felt very much like a fish out of water and returned to dressmaking for a while.

While I love sewing and crafting, sadly it doesn’t pay the ever-increasing bills, so I am also a full time Structural Engineer working from home, inspecting railway bridges around the south of England, ensuring the rail network is safe! It’s very much a male-dominated role but I love it and enjoy going out on site, even in the middle of winter!

Of course, when I’m not working, I’m relaxing with my fabrics, patterns and wools!! Ahh…bliss!

My experience

Wedding party gowns and outfits made by Jacqui

For years I owned my own dressmaking business, called “The Dressmaker” where I designed and created (primarily) wedding gowns, bridesmaids dresses, flower girl dresses, page boy suits, Grooms’ waistcoats, cravats, ties, prom gowns, formal evening wear, dance costumes and still found time to make my family clothing too!

After 25 years give or take, my husband still can’t understand why I want so many patterns and why I keep all my left-over fabric bits from projects, but ANY self-respecting seamstress would totally understand why I can’t throw away perfectly good fabric scraps! (wink)

My Disclosure

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This costs you nothing, but for legal reasons, I must inform you that if you click on one of my links in this post and subsequently make a purchase, I will earn a commission for referring you to Amazon. So, if you go ahead and click on through today and buy something, let me say a HUGE thank you!


Mission statement

My mission here is to create a directory of the world wide web’s endless list of sewing patterns, tips and tutorials. I am dedicated to sharing the best sewing, craft and home projects from around the web, offering sewing patterns, tips and tutorials, and projects for sewers of all abilities and ages!

The idea here is to make your hobby FUN and easy to do! From finding a project, to sourcing the tools and supplies required, having great tutorials to guide you, and of course, an endless supply of patterns and templates to keep you hooked!

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I do hope you like my site and enjoy all the freebies I have to offer.


Below are some of the clients I’ve made garments for in the past (I have their permission to showcase their photos here)

Feed our life dress

Dress made by Feed Our Life

Dresses made by Feed Our Life

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dresses made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dresses made by Feedourlife

Dresses made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife

Dress made by Feedourlife